Monday, May 11, 2009

The Mother Hen

Did you know that one of the characteristics of Jesus is to be the Mother Hen? I never thought about it this way until I heard yesterday's sermon at church. There were two parts of the sermon that I just loved.

Jesus as the Mother Hen-- He longs to gather people in His arms and nurture, protect, instruct, comfort and feed them. That's His desire if we let Him. Matthew 23:37-39; John 10:11-18, 18:1-9, 19:25-27.

Earthly mother's reflect small parts of Jesus- It's most mother's desire to be the Mother Hen to their children. They care for, nurture, protect, instruct, comfort and feed their children. The everyday things (which often go unnoticed) are direct reflections of Jesus' characteristics. It's no surprise that women are innately "programed" to do these things. No surprise at all.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. Rejoice in knowing that you are embodying some of the same characteristics of Christ- even when you are sweeping the floor, washing those vegetables and scrubbing the toilets!

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